1 1/2" Alchin

Here we have a 1 1/2 inch scale coal fired Allchin Traction to the ever popular Hughes "Royal Chester" design.  As always with Royal Chesters, the model is very nicely detailed, and built by a very competant model engineer.  The drawings are quite detailed, and so it tends to usually be a model engineer with decent skills that both takes on, and makes it through to the end of a 1 1/2" Alchin build!   All the usual bits and bobs are there, and she has been a running model rather than a static mantle piece toy.   The boiler is of course silver soldered and copper, and can be given a full 4 year boiler certificate, and a fresh annual steam test so that she is ready to play if that's what you'd like.

Apologies for the rubbish photos, we've been hugely busy over the past couple of months, but hopefully will be back on top of things very soon, and have time to take some decent photos again!

More details and of course photographs to follow very shortly, but if you'd like to know any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 9963463

Sorry it's sold!

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