3" Burrell

Here we have another well presented 3" Burrell Traction Engine to the well proven design from Plastow.

The Steel boiler comes with past history and of course a fresh set of hydraulic and steam tests. Ultrasonic testing showed the thicknesses all to be good. There's the usual injector and crank pump with bypass valve and lubrication is mechanical as you'd expect.

We are super busy here in the workshop at the moment, so apologies for the lack of written information here at the moment! We have an ever increasing backlog of models that we need to get listed up for sale, and so have prioritised getting them photographed, priced and live for sale. More details will of course be added very shortly, but for now if you'd like to know any more details do give us a bell on 07816 963463 for a chat.

As with most of our models, what you see isn't necessarily what you get!

We often photograph models pretty much as they come in to us, and then when someone phones to say they are interested we pull the model into our workshops and make sure everything is tested, sorted and ready to go.  So if you see the odd model photograph with a fitting missing or a return crank in the wrong place, that's just how it came in and certainly not how it will leave.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463

Stock Code: R031336

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