5” freelance 0-8-0

Here we have an interesting project loco. A large 5" gauge 0-8-0 narrow gauge tank loco, that has clearly been in the process of an aggressive re-build or re-style! The bottom end looks really solidly made and will certainly make a really stocky and powerful loco. The boiler looks well made, and there are numerous other bits like safety valves and fittings that have obviously all worked in the past. It's clearly a loco that has run before. The side tanks have fared badly, and for whatever reason someone in the past has brutally hacked them apart. For the purposes of the photos you can see that we've held them back together with black gaffer tape, and although they could be repaired, it'd probably be easier and faster to make new.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463

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