Here we have a pretty rare and chunky beast! A 5" gauge LNER Thompson L1 2-6-4 tank loco,.... as you can see,.... awaiting your choice of number and logo. Built to the Clarkson design,..... the castings and drawings for which are now available again for the first time in about 30 years through Blackgates Engineering. An impressively big and powerful 5" loco, essentially a backwards pacific with side tanks,..... this should be a dead cert for turning the odd head at your local track!
The loco is currently in the process of having a re-build and re-commission, and so should be ready for a new owner within a month or so. We have a few photos here below of the loco in her new paint. Fitted with a hand pump in the rear bunker/water tank, and an axle pump with bypass valve, the engine also has an injector fitted, currently plumbed through to run off your driving truck cold water feed,..... although obviously it could be plumbed to feed from a tank with minimal effort.
The boiler is silver soldered copper and can be given a fresh 4 year hydraulic shell test (belt n braces twice working pressure)and a fresh annual steam test so that it's fully ready to hit your track and play.
For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463