Steam Launch Bockrum

Here we have another pretty little steam launch, spirit fired and going by the name of 'Bockrum'.  Fully radio controlled, and complete with the handset and batteries.

Measuring 35" in length and 13" across the beam, this model is made from a fibreglass hull with a hardwood and balsa wood stained deck, the hull being finished in white and red and lined with black.  There is a propane burner situated in the bow of the boat, that feeds the vertical boiler by Cheddar Models.  The engine is a Twin cylinder driving a single prop with 4 blade brass propeller.  The RC operates servos to control both the regulator and the rudder.  This is a nicely detailed model, supplied with a transportable stand, and a boxed Futaba 4YF Control Unit, with previous Boiler Test Certificate Dated 2005 when the model was last played with.

For any more information please don't hesitate to give us a bell on 07816 963463



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