Technical stuff out of the way, the power is where these motors really get interesting! Each motor has a peak output of 96 Horsepower (72kW), giving the locomotive an impressive 188 horsepower, but the torque figures are where it really gets impressive. At the motors the locomotive produces 350Nm of torque, but drive to the wheels is geared down nearly 32 to 1 to achieve a sensible line speed resulting in a theoretical torque figure of 14,000Nm,….. which gives a tractive effort figure 1/3rd that of a literal full size Deltic! Of course we can’t actually put all that torque down on the rails as the Evolution Class is far too lightweight to grip the track that firmly, but with a real world figure of around 4500Nm of usable torque at the wheels the Evolution Class can comfortably pull the heaviest trains up the steepest gradients any miniature railway can provide.